• GamersCreed hosts games out of love for the creative efforts by their developers and publishers in days long gone. We do our very best to ensure that the titles we provide are not for sale elsewhere. If they are, we simply point our users to the places the games can be purchased. Should you be or represent the copyright holder of any games hosted here, and find that GamersCreed somehow is in violation of your rights, please contact us and we will happily remove the title(s).

The Celebrity


Staff member
Currently, there are 33 possible achievements within The Celebrity. They will be listed by title (some titles have multiple tiers).

1721647522009.pngFollow Me IInitiate Rally and defeat the target 50 time(s).
1721647526889.pngFollow Me IIInitiate Rally and defeat the target 150 time(s).100 VIP Points
1721647597313.pngFollow Me IIIInitiate Rally and defeat the target 500 time(s).100 VIP Points
1721648149440.pngHere I Come IJoin Rally initiated by others and defeat the target 100 time(s).
1721651686212.pngHere I Come IIJoin Rally initiated by others and defeat the target 300 time(s).
1721648247353.pngHere I Come IIIJoin Rally initiated by others and defeat the target 1,000 time(s).100 VIP Points
1721648311332.pngNo One Loves MeRally dismissed as no one joined for 3 time(s).
1721648981652.pngThumbs Up!Liked other players' showcase 10 time(s).
1721648988207.pngNew FacesChange profile picture 3 time(s).
1721649026252.pngLend a Hand IPerform Alliance Help 1,000 time(s).
1721649048621.pngLend a Hand II
Perform Alliance Help 3,000 time(s).
1721649064990.pngLend a Hand IIIPerform Alliance Help 10,000 time(s).25,000 Personal Points * 2
1721651953740.pngGood CharityAid your alliance members with 1,000,000 resource.Silver Hero Chest
1721649097012.pngDistinguished Donator IDonate Alliance Tech 300 time(s).
1721649258556.pngDistinguished Donator IIDonate Alliance Tech 1,200 time(s).
1721649142107.pngDistinguished Donator IIIDonate Alliance Tech 4,000 time(s).
1721649189440.pngThanks for the Gifts IClaim 500 Alliance Gift(s).
1721649229844.pngThanks for the Gifts IIClaim 1,500 Alliance Gift(s).100 VIP Points
1721649290547.pngThanks for the Gifts IIIClaim 4,000 Alliance Gift(s).500 VIP Points
1721649977998.pngTrading LegendComplete Alliance Trade 30 time(s).
1721650003814.pngI Have PointsPurchase 100 item(s) from Alliance Shop.
1721650020112.pngFarm TogetherHelped the construction of Alliance Mine 10 time(s).5,000 Personal Points
1721650035200.pngTrade TogetherHelped the construction of Alliance Trading Post 10 time(s).5,000 Personal Points
1721650075355.pngDefend TogetherHelped the construction of Alliance Defense Tower 5 time(s).25,000 Personal Points
1721650149820.pngExpand TogetherHelped the construction of Alliance Citadel 3 time(s).25,000 Personal Points
1721650157697.pngNew FramesObtain 1 Avatar Frame(s).
1721650181556.pngWar TogetherDestroy 3 Alliance Defense Tower(s) with your Alliance member.4-hr Basic ATK Bonus
1721650203027.pngConcerted EffortDefeat Shrine Guardian with other players *50 time(s).Lv.6 EXP Book
1721651459437.pngOld Scores Paid OffRevenge 3 time(s) in arena.
1721651489170.pngIt's Got PersonalAttack and win against the same player 3 time(s) in arena.
1721651518567.pngHelp Me OutApply Alliance Help 500 time(s).
1721651540740.pngOratorSend message in Chat 100 time(s).Silver Hero Chest
1721651559804.pngI Know PeoplePrivately messaged 20 different Alliance leader(s).Silver Hero Chest
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Staff member
If information is missing in the table, it means I don't have that piece of info. If you can help fill in the gaps, please leave a reply to this thread, and I'll update the table.

Also, if you think anything is missing or incorrect, kindly let us know :)